Sunday, June 17, 2012

we love our daddy!

Happy Father's day to our daddy! 2012

Saturday night my two boys headed out for their first camping trip together.  I am not sure who was more excited to go out for a night in the woods, mike or graham!  I had to remind Mike that graham was still only 4, so no cliff climbing, and remind myself that boys need their adventures- as God made them that way!  They were both so excited!  I am not sure graham knew what to really expect....but after a phone call after hotdogs and smores...i had two happy boys! 
They built a fire, set up thier tent, got their sleeping bags ready, and read books together.  It was a fun trip for them in the woods, being 100% boys! 
They headed home Sunday morning just in time for breakfast!  Ellie and I had daddy a special breakfast hot and ready....i had two worn out boys for the morning! 

Graham painted this frame for daddy at school, the things he loves about his sweet!

Father's day morning- daddy's little loves cuddling as they watch boz!

Being silly with their hats....look at ellie!

My two loves watching a movie together, they love sitting together in ellie's chair...i love this!
I am treasuring every day of 2 kids...getting ready for #3 for sure though!

Some fun in the sun, splish splashing...they loved some pool time together....Graham has been sooo sweet with ellie these last few weeks, really being a big brother to her, helping her, and trying to teach her things along the's so sweet!

Happy Father's day to you mike.  You are one amazing daddy....we love when you come home each day from work, and we love your heart, the time you give to us all, the night night bedtime stories you tell, and the love you give!  You are one sweet sweet daddy- as graham would say!  =)
We love you love!
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