Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Today my precious me me, 94 year old grandmother had one glorious homecoming. Jesus swept her in his arms today at 2:10...she passed very peacefully and my mom and aunt were with her. Her sweet daughters were both with her reading her scripture and playing hymns to her. We rejoice she is home and worshipping Jesus, but we sure miss her. She lived a beautiful strong god fearing life. We thank god so much for blessing us with a lady of love, forgiveness, and joy, who always gave grace to everyone. Thank you lord for your over flowing blessings of her love for you and the love she gave u all.

Please lift our family up, we sure miss our me me. 

Aug-13- 1917- Nov. 2- 2011

1 comment:

Michelle said...

love you! praying for you!!!