Thursday, October 1, 2009

Time bomb!

As most of you know....I have been put on moderate bed rest for the time being. I started having some random contractions about 2 weeks ago, and with some medicine they slowed down for a bit. But, as of yesterday I went to the doc for my weekly visit (yes, I am going every week now), I was still having contractions and they were pretty I am trying even harder to lay low. That's a super hard task since we have Mr. Grahambo who is running everywhere and wants his mommy to pick him up if he falls, needs a hugs, needs lifting for a diaper change, or just carrying him down the stairs. All those things I am not allowed to do b/c when I do I have a contraction. Since I am only a little over 22 weeks, I do need to watch everything I do. So we can keep this little girl inside me as long as we can!
How am I doing with that? I have my days...right now we have had a lot of help from our family, thankfully! My mom and Janet came in town last week, and this week Mike's mom has been here being our nanny, cook, and cleaner! I am so thankful for the love we have around us, the encouragement, and all you friends that have called! Thank you!
So....for some good news, little miss ellie is doing great....her heart rate is very strong and her movement is strong especially after meals. That is what keeps me keeping on right now! I know that this is only for a short time and even in the scary or frustrating moments, I have so much to be thankful for! So we are here just hanging out, and as of yesterday I will be here until I deliver Miss Ellie- I am not allowed to travel for the time being- due to the contractions, so anyone who wants to visit- come on! Thank you all for your love!


Anonymous said...

hope to come visit soon! hang in there shelli!!

Lindsay said...

Oh my, Shelli... I'm so sorry! I know that has got to be SO difficult when you have an active toddler running around! I want to drop a meal off for you guys. I'll give you a call next week. Let me know if there's anything else I can do!

Sarah said...

Oh Shelli! Take care of yourself and that precious babe! thinking about you guys :)

Lauren said...

praying for you!

Jeremy and Michelle said...

wow - I pray for continued peace and perspective through this time - I know how demanding a toddler can be and it's impossible for them to understand why mommy can't pick him up all the time - so glad your family is able to step in and help - so try to sit back and relax - once little miss ellie makes her arrival you'll have little time for that :)

sew many designs said...

Shelli, sounds like you are taking care of yourself with the help of your wonderful parents! Please let me know if I can come get Graham to play with patton. We would love to see him. Let me know if you need anything. Praying for you and sweet baby Ellie!