Those of you who know miss know she is a joy, full of love, hugs constantly, and brings out something with you if you are around her. She makes life fuller, shows me Jesus, and gives me so much love each day.
As her mother- the last 2 1/2 years have been the richest, hardest, and most dependant on God that's I've ever walked. Ellie's first year of life, I don't know how I slept. Thank you all for praying for me through that year. Oh wow- with her aspirating, swallowing issues, g-tube pump, and constant therapy, I never knew what tomorrow held. I never wanted to "think" the bad thoughts of- what if, but sometimes I couldn't. Ellie didn't really sit up til a year old, didn't ever really crawl, she scooted on her bottom for about 2 months a little, started pulling up at 2 years old, and walking a few months after she turned two. Today she runs.
This morning, like I do every 6 months have to meet her with team of therapist, and her case manager to assess her development and progress. I never enjoy these. I always have seen ellie on her on timing and scale so to put in a box, my tummy always does a little knot turning. But, since miss ellie has come so far in her progress over the last few months- i wasn't so worried today. I was proud. Proud to say- she can do that- yes we have accomplished that- ohhhhh, look at ellie do that...she is so big...all these things were coming out of my mouth, like any proud momma!
Then the moment came- her physical therapist came in the meeting and was asking me her goals, or where i wanted her to be. She said, " mrs. morrow, I don't see why I need to meet with her honestly at this point because she is completely age appropriate physically for her age. Chills filled me body. I honestly froze.....i just sat there, looked at my little love smiling at me- and thought- jesus- did she really just say that? Ellie has caught up physically to the kids her age.....God is faithful. I wanted to jump across the table to my 2 yr old- and rejoice- love on her fully. Don't worry I did all that after the meeting. Ellie is a fighter- very determined- and not scared to live this life. When she was born a doctor told me she may never walk, talk, or do much.......not my ellie.....not my god! He is faithful!!
We love you ellie and are soo proud of you sweet girl!
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