Tuesday, May 29, 2012

morrow cousin week!

 Last week we had a fun few days with our cousins from alaska, and the bham twin cousins.  The Cawood cousins were in town for a week to visit, play, swim, and catch up on lost time!  We loved seeing them, playing with them, and all having some cousin time together.  It's sp neat to see everyone play together, from liam the oldest cousin to ellie the yougest little one.

We had a few family dinners together!

Nana and Pappy with their 7 grandkids.  Miss ryliegh we missed, the 8th for sure, and my sweet little baby harper kate will make 9 for the morrow clan! 
Below:  (LEFT)  Emma, Lilly, Graham, Ellie, Logan, Will, and Liam with their nana and pappy!
Look at this crew!!!!!
What fun!

Everyone one night had a bug catching time, the lightning bugs were out, and the dollar store bug catcher jars/nets were a fun treat for all the cousins to find some little critters!
below- liam and graham catching bugs.

Miss Emma caught a lightning bug!

Mr. Liam looking and searching hard....

Logan about to get his first bug.....

Pappy helping miss ellie find a bug....
Graham and his treasures....

Aunt Jenn and Killy coloring with miss ellie....ellie loves seeing her aunt jenn!  How we have  missed u!

We are so thankful and excited to have had some play time this last week with our cousins!  Gods gifts are over flowing in the midst of trials....and children just have a way of bringing our hearts closer to the sweetness of our God.
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