Tuesday, May 22, 2012

the big 4!

A special day!  Graham's 4th b-day!  April 28th we had the joy to celebrate with many that mr. grahambo is 4!  He is alllll about fireman right now so we threw a  fun party with fireman, trucks, hats, and all involved.
The food table above where lunch was served.  Thank you for those who helped bring some food, and thankn you aunt t for making a fun b-day banner, for the big day!  It was adorable! 

Fire station 4!

Will our cousin playing on the playground. (above)

Haralson a sweet buddy from school playing! 

Pops on the grill, best griller ever! thank you for your help pops! 

My el bell playing and having some fun too!

The frieman playing in his playground! 

Miss Sarah and Miss Mary Taylor getting a little dirty in the rocks...sweet girls!  Sarah and graham are best buds!  They love each other so much, it's sweet to see them play!

Spencer and graham have been in the same class at school since they were 2. 

Bayliss looking cute as always, and playing!   

Of course we had to put our newest little friend in the blog...miss emery tate with her mommy kate!  So glad she was there to celebrate...sooooo tiny!

Daddy and his big 4 year old.  He is so thankful and proud of his big boy.  Daddy welcoming everyone to the party and thanking god for our friends, food, family, and  precious son!

You know my life saver mags (maggie) was at the party to help me with whatever i needed.  She is such a blessing to me.  She was my early morning balloon girl, helper, and of course ellie's right hand friend! thanks mags!

All the kids lining up to go see the...........FIRE TRUCK!!!

I AM 4! 

My little fireman!!!!!!!

Thank you all who helped make this day a great celebration. We are so thankful for our son and those of you who have invested in his life, loved on him, and prayed for him.  We had a great, fun, HOT, day!
Happy birthday to my graham.  You bless your mommy constantly, keep me on my tose, and bring joy to my life daily.  Love you sweetest boy! 
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