Friday, February 10, 2012

bug...go away

We have had a week, that's for sure.....My poor husband has been a mommy, a daddy, work man, cook, care giver, and taxi driver.  Bless his heart.  I got some awful flu-like bug on sunday and it has complete and totally wiped me out.  Really, until yesterday I didn't get out of bed, except to go to the doc to try and figure out what in the world my body was doing- the aches, the pains, i thought my legs would honestly just fall off they hurt so bad.  I have never been so sick where i couldn't do anything- this week- i couldn't. That's really hard for me.  I normally can still take my showers, or fold a load of laundry here and there, my laundry- it's piled high.  As frustrating as this can be especially with two little ones running around- i knew i had to rest. My body couldn't do anything.  I prayed and prayed for strength, help, and encouragement.   After being so sick for so long- it starts to really wear on you.

Yesterday a precious mommy from graham's class called me first thing in the morning- and said- "hey shelli- i saw how bad you looked the other day when you picked up g from school and we are heading to the mcwain center for the morning- i want to come get graham and let him play."  My body filled with chill bumps b/c i was just wondering how can i get through this day....i told her what a blessing she was and how HUGE that was for me.  Graham could go play at the mcwain center every day and it wouldn't get old to him!  Thank you God for caring about the small things in our lives, we tend to overlook those sweet gifts you give us. 
After starting two rounds of anitibiotics we are praying for healing to cover this house!  Go away bugs!

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